1. Completați propoziţiile de mai jos, folosind timpul prezent perfect
pentru a exprima cauza şi rezultatul. Folositi cuvintele din paranteza.
Model: I feel disappointed ...... (George / go back on/promise)
I feel disappointed. George has gone back on his promise.
1. Our house looks quite modern
... (architect/renovate)
2. I can't drink the milk ...... ..... (it / go oft)
3. Walter is late
(probably / be held up in traffic)​

Răspuns :

Completați propoziţiile de mai jos, folosind timpul prezent perfect pentru a exprima cauza şi rezultatul. Folosiți cuvintele din paranteză.



I feel disappointed ... (George / go back on/promise)

I feel disappointed. George has gone back on his promise.



1. Our house looks quite modern ... (architect/renovate)

  • Our house looks quite modern. The architect has renovated it.

2. I can't drink the milk ... (it / go off)

  • I can't drink the milk. It has gone off.

3. Walter is late ... (probably / be held up in traffic)

  • Walter is late. He has probably been held up in traffic.

