describe a dog, a giraffe and a zebra​

Răspuns :

A dog is a quadrupedal creature , commonly seen by humans , and it is said that the dog is humans best friend . Dogs come in different breeds ( Golden Retriever , Malteze Bichon , etc.) each with a different personality , inteligence , and many more .
There are aproxametly 900 million dogs in the world at te current moment , with 190 different breeds .

A giraffe is a quadrupedal creature , they are mostly know for they’r very long necks , an average giraffe neck is aproximately 6 feet tall . Giraffes are also the tallest land animals , with patterns of dark brown, orange, or chestnut spots broken up by white or cream-colored stripes , and funny ears .

A zebra is a quadrupedal creature , rarely found in Africa , Most known for they’r Black and white stripes and able to run at a speed of 64 km/h ( 64 kilometers per hour ).
Unfortunately there are aproximately only 2000 of them , which makes them a protected species , Zebras also classify themselves as an animal kind that cannot be tamed .
Zebras commonly eat : grass , buds , fruits , roots , herbs , and shrubs .
Zebras are also known as Hipotigris