Traduceti in limba engleza folosind articolul hotarat THE pentru a reda constructile subliniate de mai jos

1. Oameni voteaza pentru prima oara la varsta de optsprezece ani

2. Dan este militar /in armata

3. Sunt platit cu ora

4. Lily locuieste la tara

5. Arunca-l in foc

6. Toate tablourile din expoxitie sunt pictate de el

7. In mare, am fost de acord

8. Ii place sa doarma in aer liber

9. Asta-i tot pentru moment

10. Care este cel mai lung rau din lume?

11. Un moment, vorbesc la telefon

12. Din contra, mi se pare dificil

13. Jack canta la pian o sonota de Beethoven

14. Cand ajung in parculet, ia-o la drepta

15. Au vorbit in soapta mult timp

16. Glumele lui au starnit rasul

17. Cand a inceput sa latre cainele, pisica a luat-o la fuga

Răspuns :

1. People vote for the first time at the age of eighteen

2. Dan is in the military

3. I am paid by the hour

4. Lily lives in the country

5. Throw it into the fire

6. All the paintings in the exhibition are painted by him

7. By and large, I agreed

8. He likes to sleep outdoors

9. That's all for now

10. What is the longest river in the world?

11. One moment, I'm talking on the phone

12. On the contrary, I find it difficult

13. Jack sings Beethoven's piano or sonnet

14. When you get to the parking lot, turn right

15. They talked in a whisper for a long time

16. His jokes aroused laughter

17. When the dog started barking, the cat ran away