Vă rog încercați să rezolvați fisa.Dau coroana.

3. Stewart did lived în Vancouver.
4. Did she exercise?
5. I did hate cooking.
6. They played video games.
7. He knowed the answer.
8. I did forgit his name.
9. They didn't study history.
10. Did they drive?
11. Jenny did work at the hotel.
12. Did you swim?
13. We didn't like the movie.
14. Where did you live?
15. They didn't drink tea.
16. Did they start class at 8:00?
17. Did he eat breakfast?
18. I didn't run fast.
19. He did have a car.
20. Did you enjoy sports?
Poftim! Fac de 9 ani engleză intensiv, poți avea încredere în mine Sper ca te-am ajutat! Dacă mi-ai da și o coroana ai fi genial...