cum se traduce asta in engleza? plizz :o3 am incercat pe google translate dar nu imi da corect... 
în această după-amiază nu am putut ieși afara, pentru că stat acasă în fața calculatorului, după ce m-am plictisit de  calculator, m-am gândit să învaț la chimie pentru a doua zi. Am învățat în cele din urmă lecția și s-a oprit și ploaia. După câteva minute, sun o prietena pentru a iesi afara  ..  după o oră m-am dus în casă pentru ca afara se lasase frig, asa ca am pornit televizorul și m-am uitat la un film cu o maimuta,la început părea plictisitor, dar în cele din urmă a început să-mi placă. dupa ce s-a terminat filmul, m-am dus sa mananc iar dupa ce am mancat m-am pus in pat ca sa ma culc pentru ca a doua zi aveam scoala.

Răspuns :

In the afternoon I could not go outside because it was raining ... I stayed at home in front of the computer, after I got bored of the computer, I thought I'd learned in chemistry for the day. I finally learned the lesson and stopped the rain. After a few minutes, call a friend to come out .. after an hour I went in the house to leave the cold outside, so I turned on the TV and I watched a movie with a monkey at first seem tedious, but eventually began to like. after the movie ended, I went to eat and after I ate I went to bed to sleep because I had school the next day.
this afternoon I could not go outside because it was raining ... I stayed at home in front of the computer, after I got bored of the computer, I thought I'd learned in chemistry for the day. I finally learned the lesson and stopped the rain. After a few minutes, call a friend to come out .. after an hour I went in the house to leave the cold outside, so I turned on the TV and I watched a movie with a monkey at first seem tedious, but eventually began to like. after the movie ended, I went to eat and after I ate I went to bed to sleep because I had school the next day.