Am nevoie de 2 compuneri diferite în limba engleză de o jumătate de pagină A4 despre treburile casei.
Exemple de întrebări:
Opinia ta despre munca de acasa
Cine ar trebui să se ocupe de curățenie, grădină, gatit, cumpărături etc
Ce ar trebui să facă fiecare membru al familiei
Ce sarcini ai tu acasă
Ce sarcini îți plac să faci
Cum se simți când trebuie să faci anumite sarcini.

Vă rog, am nevoie rapid de aceste compuneri. ​

Răspuns :


1. Although it might seem boring at first housework can be a fun and constructive activity.

You feel accomplished when you manage to finish your duties without realizing you spent hours cleaning because you listened to music on the maximum volume and kept dancing around the house keeping yourself entertained while doing what's right for your hygiene.

In my opinion chores should be split equally to each member of the household and everyone should take turns doing different type of housework.

For example in my family we established I do the dish washing, ironing and vacuuming this week.

My favorite chore is taking out the trash because I get to stay outside and sometimes I'm even allowed to go out with my friends right after I take it out but that depends on the weather.

Although most of the teen population thinks doing housework is boring and it's not worth taking time or maybe they just aren't patient enough with the right intentions those feeling will change and you will start to feel proud of what you achieved.

I used to be a lazy person just like the rest but soon I figured I could find a way to have fun and enjoy cleaning as much as other daily activities.


2. Housework is a tricky subject when it comes to discussing my opinion about it.

I used to never clean my room as I've always found it a waste of time and energy but as I got older I started to realize cleaning your house not only can benefit your environment but also can improve your mood.

In my opinion the chores should be picked by each family member because you need to enjoy what you are doing and you might be better at particular housework activities than others.

The chores I have chosen are watering the plants washing the windows and doing the beds.

My favorite chore is watering the plants because I get to see the sunrise from my balcony while enjoying the smell of freshly watered plants.

I feel proud of myself when I manage to finish my housework because I feel like I'm actually helping my family feel more comfortable in our home.