So… i have a theory that is very interesting. It’s about the universe. I’ll start with dark energy and dark matter. I think they don’t exist, because dark matter is a vaccum with a little bit of particles. I thank that planets have been made with these tiny particles that were used to create them. With dark energy I have a different opinion. Scientists are saying that there is nothing beyond our universe, and I don’t believe it. First of all, how was the Big Bang created? With quantum fluctuations. Where did they come from if there’s nothing out there? Moving on, scientists are saying that this dark energy is pushing our universe to expand. And I think this is partially true, but I have another theory. Maybe in the Outside(of the universe) there is a force that is expanding our universe(like a marshmallow in a vaccum chamber). That barrier between universe and the Outside is made out of these quantum fluctuations. I imagine this barrier like a gum that’s stretched and we see that it doesn’t rip so easily. There’s a string that keeps the 2 pieces of gum together. So if we want to get out in the Outside, the short answer is we can’t. There is a gigantic force that will stretch to the infinite and not rip apart. In conclusion, I think that dark matter doesn’t exist(is just a vaccum), dark energy comes from the Outside(and not from our universe) and beyond the universe there are these forces/fluctuations/atoms/etc. that create infinite particles that sustain our universe. That’s why our universe is expanding faster with time. Also, The Outside is infinte(there is no end). What do you think??