Răspuns :

Present Continuous (Affirmative, Interrogative, Negative)
Present Continuous
Prezentul continuu exprimă în general o acţiune în desfăşurare în momentul vorbirii sau o acţiune care nu a fost terminată la momentul vorbirii.
Se formează cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be la prezent + forma de bază a verbului + –ing (participiu prezent).
I am walking
You are walking
He is walking
She is walking
It is walking
We are walking
You are walking
They are walking.
come – coming
write – writing
swim – swimming
travel – travelling
run – running
Present Continuous (Affirmative)
Prezentul continuu (Afirmativ).
I am playing.
Tom is reading.
They’re doing an exercise.
We are learning new words now.
She is walking in the park now.
They are reading their books.
I am sitting.
I am studying to become a doctor.
I am meeting some friends after work