Am nevoie de un text de vreo 5 randuri in care sa spun despre o excursie in care am fost intr-o tara spun ce a mancat si ceva turistic dar in engleza pls ms.

Răspuns :

La greci a fost foarte frumos, foarte cald, foarte alb, foarte soare, foarte altfel decat oriunde am mai fost eu pana acum. Asa ca sunt inca impresionata.Evident, vreau sa invat greceste, deci ma voi inscrie la un curs si mai am si alte planuri grandioase, despre care veti afla la momentul propice.Nu stiu cum sa povestesc de calcar, dar cititorii fideli isi vor aminti ca am scris odata despre campiile de piatra calcaroasa din Yorkshire si ca visam inca de atunci sa ma plimb pe un sol de calcar.In Grecia am ajuns pe o plaja de calcar, unde s-a intamplat sa prindem si un apus de soare magnific. Atunci am ramas fara grai, dupa ce amutisem deja vazand casele mici si satul plin de flori si dupa ce oricum imi venea sa mor, pentru ca il terminasem de citit pe Stephen Fry si dupa el o vreme nu mai poti citi nimic si-ti vine sa urli in toate zarile ca ai citit una dintre cele mai adevarate carti care s-au scris vreodata.Oricum, 3 zile din 6 am fost racita cobza, am suflat nas, am tusit, m-a durut in gat si toate cele; intr-o zi m-am prajit pe picioare si am facut insolatie si in alta zi m-a durut capul de nu puteam sa deschid ochii. Dar totusi i-am deschis. Din pat se vedea doar gardutul de la terasa si marea si aveai impresia ca esti pe vapor. Doar asta si a fost deajuns sa ma vindece. Cred ca a fost cea mai vesela raceala din viata mea; eu care fac urat, sunt morocanoasa, ma vaiet… Nu avea rost. Era prea grozav totul.Sper ca ma voi intoarce cat de curand acolo.

The Greeks has been very nice, very hot, very white, very sunny, very different than anywhere I've been up until now. So I am still quite impressed.Obviously, I want to learn Greek, so I'll sign up for a course and I have other plans grandiose, about which you will see at the proper moment.I don't know how to tell you all about the scale, but loyal readers will remember that I have written about the stone plains calcaroasa in Yorkshire and we dream was to walk on a level of scale.
In Greece we have come in a range of scale, where he happened to catch and sunset awesome. Then I quite speechless, after already seeing amutisem houses village small and full of flowers and after anyway I was ready to die, for it me crazy to read on Stephen Fry and after him for a while you can't read anything and I would shriek in the ether that you had read one of the most true books that have been written ever.
Anyway, 3 days of 6 I have been cooled cobza, I've blown his nose, I man, it hurt in his throat and all those; one day I roasted on the balls of her feet and I was ill joined and on any other day it hurt his head I could not open their eyes. But still I opened. From the bed to see only today though is his moment from the porch and the sea and you had the impression that you're on the ship. Only this one, and it was enough for me to heal. I don't think that was the gayest coldness of my life; I am making ugly, are brooding, I wail ... Do not make sense. It was too much of a plum everything.I hope I'll be back as soon there.