gave the chance to whitewash. Tom had a wonderful time. He rested, had a lot of company and new things and the boys Sid the work for him. He also discovered a law: a thing that is difficult to get is always more attractive Speak about Tom Sawyer. Express your opinions using I think..., I believe.... GRAMMAR 2. It 3. |_ 4. I especially Read the sentences completing them with the right form of the verbs in brackets. 1. One of the most important places for me when I (be) a child was the public library. (have) all kinds of books. (love) to read fairy tales, fables and stories. (enjoy) reading adventure books. 5. "The Prince and the Pauper" and "The Treasure Island" (be) my favourite books. (sleep) with a book under my pillow. (help) me a lot. 10 Write about your favourite author/book. 6. I often 7. Books VRITING va rog