Continue the story.
Use past tenses.

Tom had been working
on his laptop for three
hours before....​

Răspuns :


  before...the clock strikes midnight. He could no longer focus on the project. He remembers what his mother told him ... "You'd better do your project now because you'll be too tired to do it tonight."But he didn't listen to her. Remembering everything that happened during the day he fell asleep.

    Early in the morning, the phone woke up with an alarm, ringing continuously. Looks like something wasn't right ... Oh my God! The project! He had completely forgotten about it! And then it was online school, and the deadline had expired! The teacher then forgave Tom and told him not to do it again.

    Since then, Tom has learned to do his responsibilities on time.


inainte... ca ceasul sa bata miezul noptii. Nu se mai putea concentra la proiect. Isi aminti ce ii spuse mama lui... "Ai face bine sa iti faci proiectul acum pentru ca vei fi prea obosit sa il faci diseara". Dar el nu a ascultat-o. Amintindu-și tot ce s-a întâmplat în timpul zilei, a adormit.

  Dis de dimineata se trezi cu alarma telefonul sunand in continuu. Parca ceva nu era bine.. O Doamne ! Proiectul! El uitase complet de el! Si atunci era scoala online, iar termenul limita expirase! Profesoara l-a iertat atunci pe Tom si i-a spus sa nu se mai repete.

 De atunci Tom a invatat sa isi faca responsabilitatile la timp.

P.S. scz pentru intarziere...