a fost răspuns
Complete choose. Third conditional
Răspuns :
1. If you
would've helped
me with the housework, I
would've already finished
2. If my parents
would've allowed me to
go to that concert I
would've enjoyed
it very much.
3. If you
would've told
me that it was your birthday, I
would've organized
a wonderful celebration.
4. If the police
would've questioned
the suspect yesterday they
would've caught
all his gang.
5. If I
wouldn't have forgotten it was
David's birthday, he
wouldn't have gotten
angry with me.
6. If you
wouldn't have reminded me
to send the email,
I wouldn't have done it on time.
7. If we
would've bought an alarm clock last week
, we
wouldn't have fallen
8. If my mobile phone
would've worked
properly, I
would've been able
to call you back.
Sper ca te-am ajutat!
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