am nevoie de ajutor la limba engleza!!!ofer coroană​

Am Nevoie De Ajutor La Limba Englezaofer Coroană class=

Răspuns :

1.Asta tu trebuie sa știi
2.A normal day in my life starts approximately at 6:00 AM, when I wake up and hurry to the bathroom soo that my siblings don’t get ahead of me, then I take a quick shower and brush my teeth.After I’m all clean I go to my room and change into my school uniform and head downstairs for breakfast.My mom always cooks the most delicious meals and I always leave kitchen full.I pack my bags and at 7:45 I head to school.

3.In my oppinion, nowadays, because of social media people become anti-social introverts that blame everything on others.
It’s like one single device can change a whole person, a whole community, even a whole universe if it pleases to, into something horrific.

Răspuns: ce școală ai mers unde a fost? (cam asa ar veni)

2.vorbește despre o zi normală din viata ta

3.(nu prea stiu cum sa explic dar trebuie să argumentezi ideea ta ,ca de ce oameni din ziua de azi stau pe telefon și nu au prieteni)