Răspuns :
1)I HAVE just TOLD (tell) you the answer.
2. I TOLD (tell) you the answer yesterday.
3John and Richard HAVE just GONE (go) away.
4. She HAS already ANSWERED (answer)the letter
5. She (answer) ANSWERED it on Tuesday.
6. John and Mary WENT (go)away five minutes ago.
7.I HAVE READ (read) that book in the summer holidays.
8.The baker HAS SOLD (sell) now all his cakes.
9. He SOLD (sell) the last one half an hour ago.
10. I HAVEN'T SEEN (not see) him for three years.
11. DID You WEAR (wear) you hair long when you were at school?
12He HASN'T SMOKED (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.
13. When DID he ARRIVE (arrive)?-He ARRIVED (arrive) at 2 o'clock.
14. HAVE You LOCKED (lock) the door before you left
the house?
15. I HAVE READ (read) his book when I was at school. I (enjoy) ENJOYED them very much.
16. I can't go out because I HAVEN'T FINISHED (not finish) my work.
17. I HAVE WRITTEN (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp.
18. The clock is siow.It isn't slow. it HAS STOPPED (stop).
19. Here are your shoes.I HAVE Just CLEANED (clean) them.
20. I ??? (denve) home at 8.00 and GOT (get) here at 12.00.
Aici nu stiu ce verb ai caci "DENVE" nu exista, insa ai un timp specific, adica ora 8.00 si trebuie sa pui verbul ala din paranteza la PAST SIMPLE (Trecutul SImplu).
21. HAVE You (have) HAD breakfast yet? Yes, I HAD (have) it at 8.00.
22. I MET (meet) him last June.
23. DID You SEE (see) the moon last night?
24. The play HAS just BEGUN (begin). You are a little late.
25. HAS The newspaper COME (come)? Yes, Mary is reading it.
Sper sa fie toate bune.
E vorba de completarea cu PAST SIMPLE TENSE (PAST TENSE) si cu PRESENT PERFECT
PAST SIMPLE: SUBIECT + VERB cu "-ed" sau forma a 2-a din tabelul verbelor neregulate.
Se foloseste cu indicatori specifici (nu necesar daca e subinteles) care indica un moment trecut si incheiat (exemplu: last week, last year, ago, etc.)
Ex: I visited my grandparents last week.
( Mi-am vizitat bunicii SAPTAMANA TRECUTA)
Se refera la o actiune care a avut loc recent / care s-a intamplat in trecut insa are consecinte in prezent / experiente personale.
Se foloseste cu already, yet, just etc.
Ex: I have visited Paris with my mother.
Am vizitat Parisul cu mama mea.
ATENTIE! La PRESENT PERFECT nu avem timp specific! Daca avem un timp specific, de exemplu e in propozitie ceva care mentioneaza data sau ora nu mai este PRESENT PERFECT, e direct PAST TENSE. (asta ca relatie intre cele 2 timpuri).