the aztecs didn't rule a large empire from 14th to the 16th country.Tenochtitlan wasn't the most important city in the empire.They didn't build it in 1325 on an island where Mexico City stands today.
Their emperor didn't control the empire with his powerful army.The Aztec people didn't work as farmers,fishermen,craftsmen and merchants.
Aztec builders didn't make houses from mud and bricks.They also didn't build pyramids.
they didn't use boats to transport goods.They usually didn't travel on foot.
All children didn't go to school.They didn't learn history,myths and religion.They didn't respect their teachers.
Spanish soldiers didn't arrive in america in 1519.Some of them weren't sick with smallpox.The disease wasn't new to the Azects and didn't kill a lot of them.The Spanish didn't conquere the Azects in 1521 and the civilsation didn't come to an end.
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