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kate :  Hi , Liz .  I called you yesterday morningYou were not at homeLiz :  Hi Kate. I was at the libraryi needed some books about great navigators.Kate : Did the ask you to get them at school ?Liz: No, it's not that . I wanted them . Look at this :                  14th february - 21st frbruary                 
                EARLY TIMES     How about testing your general knowledge   
                with the chance to win a magnificent     
                set  of books. This month's quiz is on    
                Great Navigators . If you take part in this  
               competition, you could win ten books in   
                the series of Evewitness Guides . Having    
               these is like having a museum at home.  
               To win, you first have to write to 
                Eyewitness Competition TV Shows .  
               Good luck!
Liz: Now , what do tou say?Kate: Would you like  to take part in this?Liz: Yes, I think so. I was in a quiz show last year .Kate: Oh, were you ? I didn't know .

Răspuns :

kate: Salut , Liz. Te-am sunat ieri dimineata , nu erai acasa.
Liz : Salut , kate. Am fost la librarie , aveam nevoie de niste carti despre >> ''marii navigatori '' ( sau cv de genu) <<
*** aici nu prea ai scris corect insa se subintelege cv de genu : ***
Kate : Ti-au (profesorii are in vedere , cred )  spus la scoala sa le aduci ?
Liz :Nu , nu e asta , eu le-au vrut. Uitete la asta : 14 februarie - 21 februarie
Eraly times ( nustiu cum sa-ti traduc , cv de genu : de devreme , prematur , etc )
Cum ar fi sa-ti testezi cunostintele generale cu sansa de a cistiga un set de carti magnifice. Chestinonarul de luna astasta e despre Marii Navigatori. Daca vei lua parte la aceasta competitie vei , vei putea cistiga 10 carti din seria Evewitness Guides . Avind aceste carti este ca si cum ai avea un muzeu acasa. Pentru a cistiga , mai intii trebuie sa te inscrii la Evewitness Guides TV Shows. Bafta !
Liz: Acum ce spui ?
Ai dori  sa iei parte la acesta concurs ?
Liz: Da , asa cred. Am participat la un chestionar si anul trecut.
kate: Oh , ai participat ? N-am stiut.