History Vaccination In the 18th century, a horrible disease called smallpox was very common and many people died from it. If people survived, they were left with awful scars on their body. People also suffered from a milder disease called cowpox which they caught from cows. Edward Jenner was an English doctor who noticed that people who had had cowpox rarely suffered from smallpox. Jenner was convinced that the cowpox infection had protected these people in some way. In 1796, Jenner did an experiment on a young boy called James Phipps. He introduced the cowpox infection into a cut on the boy's arm. Phipps became ill with cowpox for a while and then recovered. Later, Jenner infected Phipps with smallpox and waited. Phipps never caught smallpox because the cowpox had protected him. This was the first example of vaccination. Jenner's discovery has made an enormous difference to the health of the world. Nowadays, people are vaccinated against many illnesses. After a worldwide vaccination programme by the World Health Organization, smallpox was finally eradicated in 1980.
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