Answer the following questions based on the text. a. Where are teens spending the majority of their time online? b. How many hours per week do British teens spend on the Internet? c. What sorts of activities do teenagers participate in while online? d. Are there some positive activities? If so, what are they? e. According to the text, what should Internet users do to avoid the negatives of the Internet?


By Tim Shntder Wherher to une their GPSta fnd tuir way to she newsunl ton bungoul, ur las Twitter their triends t share the laet Youtabe vadee, tady's toenaren aue plupao in tHEned on sod cutapletel ied in tahnelogy Uelike theie puecnts or gragrorems who zwre ngporrs and fureiers ln bundheld penonal sistaits, ablets and social media, high schok childaen all mT e world ane smostalle in this hrave new wreld. that they are lacled "Digal Native In a 2015 survey, the 1 ondor Telegraph reprted thyt Brinsh serns were ipending 31 hours per wok caline Thes docsnt take into consdration television watching, talang on the cell ple o using ciber technology Instel the article specifally bresks den ho ach Erme 8-rear olds to J8 prar elds wre spending on a Variety of activsties completely onle The bigge ust of tie goe to comaunicating with Eiends on a wid variety of social meda setes such as MSN d ook Sa what exactly are leeni doingen the sacs? Eapertggetthat they are creatiag virtual cemeties simlar towat thirpatsand grandparents had in the al world Instendofridang bcyes playing sports, ur meeting te chat face ts fae in al tum today' teens ate meeting new peuple and sharing ideas and stories over viul spe Like all teens enjoy doing, they are sharingart photas the detais of their lives, events and relationships. And in the best case Becnags ane helping each other with homework. plunning protestser tlask mts Ope thing that researchers don't agree on is whether or not all this tume unline is healthy. For one thing, some evidence shows that the nore time adolescents spend on sucial media sites, the mutre antsocial they can become, not wanting to spend'real' time with their friends andfamilies. Certainly, sitting in front of the monitor for hours does not promote a healthy body. And, finally, because of the anonymity of the Internet, many young people can become victims to online predators. Does this mean that these new natives of the digital landscape should abandon it in favor of the real world? No; everyone agrees on the benefits of having access to a wide variety of information, games, and entertainment. What the new digital natives need to remember is moderation. They should make time to exercise, read books, and visit face to face with family and friends, and use the Internet as a tool to build a new future; not as a refuge from unplugged reality.​

Răspuns :

Răspuns: a) Teens are spending the majority of their time on social medias, such as Twitter, Facebook, Skype etc.

b) Per week British teens spend 31 hours online on the internet.

c) The activities teenagers participate while online are: meeting new people and sharing ideas, stories, art, photos, details of their lives and relationships.

d) The positive activities are metting new people on the internet, where you can be friends and have a conversation with people across the world, as well as sharing their events on social medias, to show people what have you been up to.

e) Internet users should avoid staying for a long period of time on the internet, such as social medias or games, the reason is that they can be addicted to this and can forget about the real world