Reading Read the text. Complete the sentences in your notebook YA YOUNG AT ART MUSEUM The aim of The Young At Art Children's Museum in South Flonda is to introduce children to art in an exciting way. B There are lots of things to do at the museum. There are interactive exhibits where children can create their own work of art or they can do an art workshop. Even very young children can find things to enjoy. There is a special gallery for toddlers where they can play and explore materials with their hands. C The museum offers a whole variety of activities. Children can host birthday parties, go on field trips or even sign up for summer camp. The museum also offers special scholarships for those who have talent in the arts. D We invite all children to become members and bring their fresh ideas to the museum. Membership includes unlimited visits for a year and other discounts. If you are 15 years old or older, you can also volunteer at the museum. E At YAA, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. Register for access to membership and other benefits.