b. offering
c. plan
d. prediction
e. plan
f. sudden decision
g. refusal
h. prediction
I. intention
j. prediction
k. sudden decision
b. i will phone him
c. he's going to take
d. I'll buy it
e. are going to visit
f. will like it
g. i am going to catch a cold
h. we will see
I. I am going to look
j. he won't study now
b.going to play tennis
c. 's going to be a storm
d. will fly
e. will make
f. will wear
g. I am going to
h. will
i. are going to have
j. will
k. wont answer it
iartă-mă dacă nu toate sunt bune, daca stiam lecția iti spuneam mai precis, am ales răspunsurile așa cum am crezut eu.