2 You are going to read an article about pyramids.
First, match the words in italics in sentences 1-8 with
their definitions (a-h).
Example: 1 e
1 Their Uncle Tony was
a) a narrow area with walls
buried in the local
on each side that connects
one room or place to
2 The Taj Mahal is one of another
the seven wonders of b) a type of rock that
the world.
contains calcium
3 He could see a ray of c) a place where a body
light at the end of the is buried, often with a
large decorated stone
4 All his dead relatives
above it
are in a tomb in a d) the box in which a dead
corner of the cemetery.
person is buried
5 They use limestone for e) to put a dead body into
making cement and
a grave
other building materials. f) a line of light, heat or
6 They carried the coffin to energy
the front of the church. g) a tall pointed tower on
7 Have you seen the
top of a building, etc.
beautiful spire on that h) something that is very
8 We had to go down a
long dark
passage to get
to our bedroom