Describe Halloween
(Name,place,time,people’s clothes, decorations, activities, feelings)

Răspuns :

Halloween is a holiday, celebrated on 31 October, though not in all countries.

On the night of 31 October, little kids go 'Trick-or-treating'. They get dressed in a scary costume, like a skeleton, witch or zombie! After that, they go house to house and get treats!

People also carve faces on pumpkins, then, at night, they put a small candle in them, so it looks scary!

Its a very exiting holiday, and I wait for it every singe year!

Sper ca e ok. Nu am adaugat 'emotiile' deoarece nu am stiut ce sa pun, poti adauga!

Sa ai note bune!


About Halloween

Halloween is a holiday of American origin, pagan. This tradition started many, many years ago, when people believed that every year, on October 31, the gates that separate our world from that of the dead open, and allow them to go out and haunt the wide roads and narrow, short and long, scaring everyone who still has a pulse in their veins. People, in the end, believed that if the living are scared of the dead, the dead will be scared of the dead. So, they started dressing up as different demons, monsters and undead.

This tradition is still preserved today, children generally dressing in monstrosities and caroling around the neighbors. They are greeted by the famous "trick or treat" and have to give the little ones chocolate and caramels, so as not to receive a prank.

The holiday spread quickly in other countries, it is also celebrated there, but also in the country of origin it seems more Pleasa

Traducerea ❤️

Despre Halloween

Halloween-ul este o sarbatoare de origine americana, pagana. Aceasta traditie a pornit acum multi-multi ani in urma, cand oamenii credeau ca in fiecare an, la data de 31 octombrie, portile ce separa lumea noastra de cea a mortilor se deschide, si le permite acestora sa iasa si sa bantuie drumurile largi si inguste, scurte si lungi, speriindu-i pe toti cei ce inca mai au puls in vene. Oamenii, in cele din urma, au crezut ca daca cei vii se sperie de morti, la randul lor si mortii se vor speria de morti. Deci, acestia au inceput sa se costumeze in diferiti demoni, mostrii si strigoi.

Aceasta traditie se pastreaza si astazi, copiii in general imbracandu-se in monstruozitati si colindand pe la vecini. Acestia sunt intampinati de celebrul "trick or treat" si fiind nevoiti sa le dea ciocolata si caramele micutilor, pentru a nu primi o farsa.

Sarbatoarea s-a imprastiat rapid si in celelalte tari, ea fiind sarbatorita si acolo,dar tot in tara de origine parca este mai placuta