1. Write the 3

rd person singular of

the verbs:
I walk → he walks
I go → he ____________
I dance → she ___________
I speak → he ____________
I study → she ___________
I enjoy → he ____________
I fix → he ____________
I jump → it ______________
I wash → he _____________
I find → she ____________
I marry → he _____________
I keep → she ____________
I love → it ______________
I bother → he _____________
I sing → she _____________
I lie → he _____________
I catch → he _____________

Răspuns :


Goes, dances, speaks, studies, enjoys, fixes, jumps, washes, finds, marries, keeps, loves, bothers, sings, lies, catches

persoana r singular de


Merg → el merge

Eu merg → el ____________

Dansez → ea ___________

Vorbesc → el ____________

Studiez → ea ___________

Îmi place → el ____________

Eu repar → el ____________

Eu sar → ______________

Mă spăl → el _____________

Găsesc → ea ____________

Mă căsătoresc → el _____________

Eu păstrez → ea ____________

I love → it ______________

Mă deranjez → el _____________

Eu cânt → ea _____________

Mint → el _____________

Prind → el _____________