Cine imi traduce va rog aceasta scrisoare in englez?
''Stimata doamna ministru
Va scriu aceasta scrisoare in numele tuturor elevilor din Romania in care va adresez cateva nemultumiri legate de orele online care se desfasoara in toate scolile din tara.
In primul rand ,sunt copii care nu au posibilitatea sa se conecteze la orele online din cauza ca parintii lor nu au posibilitatea sa le ofere un telefon sau o tableta.Altii nu au semnal din cauza locului in care locuiesc.Pentru acesti copii trebuie sa lise ofere caiete speciale din care ei sa invete pentru a nu pierde lectiile sau sa ii viziteze o data pe saptamana un profesor care sa faca ore cu ei pentru a fi cu lectiile in regula.
In al doilea rand orele online ne obosesc foarte mult .Stam in fata calculatorului sapte ore la cursuri plus orele n care facem proiecte pentru scoala, in total stam aproximativ 10 ore .Corpul nostru nu mai face miscare fizica iar acest lucru nu este deloc sanatos.Primim teme dublu ,lectiile sunt grele si nu intelegem tot din ceea ce preda profesorul .Pentru cei care urmeaza sa dea evaluarea nationala sau bacalaureatul in vara esre el mai greu deoarece sunt derutati nestiind in ce conditii vor da si cum va fi.Au ramas in urma cu materia cu lectiile .
Pentru unii interesul pentru invat a scazut .Unii copii nu mai invata ,nu mai participa la orele online si daca participa nu comunica cu profesorul .Cred ca si dumneavostra ati aflat acest lucru.
Ne este dor sa ii vedem pe colegii ,sa putem sa vorbim cu ei si sa existe lucrul in echipa.Sa putem comunica cu profesorul in mod normal fata in fata pentru a l putea intreba de fiecare data cand nu intelegem ceva .
Dorim noi,elevii,viitorul acestei tarii sa ne intoarcem la scoala fizic.Totul sa se desfasoare in mod normal.Fara educatie nu putem avea un viitor.
Speram sa luati in considerare aceasta scrisoare si sa aiba loc niste schimbari in invatamantul romanesc.
cu mult respect,....

Răspuns :


'Dear Minister

I am writing this letter on behalf of all students in Romania in which I address some dissatisfaction with the online classes that take place in all schools in the country.

First of all, there are children who do not have the opportunity to connect to online classes because their parents do not have the opportunity to offer them a phone or a tablet. Others do not have a signal because of where they live. For these children must read offers special notebooks from which to learn so as not to miss lessons or to visit once a week a teacher to work with them to be with the lessons in order.

Secondly, the online classes make us very tired. We sit in front of the computer for seven hours in classes plus the hours we do projects for school, in total we stay about 10 hours. Our body does not exercise anymore and this is not healthy at all. We receive double homework, the lessons are hard and we don't understand everything the teacher teaches. For those who are going to give the national assessment or the baccalaureate in the summer, it is harder because they are confused not knowing under what conditions they will give and how it will be. followed by the subject of lessons.

For some, the interest in learning has decreased. Some children no longer learn, no longer participate in online classes and if they do participate, they do not communicate with the teacher. I think you also found out.

We miss seeing our colleagues, being able to talk to them and having teamwork. To be able to communicate with the teacher normally face to face so that we can ask him every time we don't understand something.

We, the students, want the future of this country to return to physical school. Everything will take place normally. Without education we cannot have a future.

We hope that you will consider this letter and that some changes will take place in Romanian education.



Dear Minister

I am writing this letter on behalf of all students in Romania in which I address some dissatisfaction with the online classes that take place in all schools in the country.

First of all, there are children who do not have the opportunity to connect to online classes because their parents do not have the opportunity to offer them a phone or a tablet. Others do not have a signal because of where they live. For these children must read offers special notebooks from which to learn so as not to miss lessons or to be visited once a week by a teacher who will take classes with them to be with the lessons in order.

Secondly, the online classes make us very tired. We sit in front of the computer for seven hours in classes plus the hours we do projects for school, in total we stay about 10 hours. Our body does not exercise anymore and this is not healthy at all. We receive double homework, the lessons are hard and we do not understand everything that the teacher teaches. For those who are going to give the national assessment or the baccalaureate in summer, it is more difficult because they are confused not knowing under what conditions followed by the subject with lessons.

For some, the interest in learning has decreased. Some children no longer learn, no longer participate in online classes and if they do participate, they do not communicate with the teacher. I think you also found out.

We miss seeing our colleagues, being able to talk to them and having teamwork. To be able to communicate with the teacher normally face to face so that we can ask him every time we don't understand something.

We, the students, want the future of this country to return to physical school. Everything will take place normally. Without education we cannot have a future.

We hope that you will consider this letter and that some changes will take place in Romanian education.
