CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION LESSON 6 LIFE IN THE MIDDLE AGES 1. WORK IN GROUPS. 1. Read the text under the picture allotted to your group. Match the text with one of the headings below. To the class what the text was about. b. Books c. Written records d. Fashion e. Visual chronicles a. Its 2 3 5 William of Normandy, who had 2. Houses and castles were cold and 3. Embroidery was an Anglo-Saxon Stronquered England in 1066, decided he draughty, so clothes were often made of craft. The most famous piece of needed a complete list of his possessions linen or wool. Shoes with long toes embroidery which has survived (the there. The result of the investigation were fashionable for many years. A ein Ilth century), is a piece of linen, ineluded not only royal estates but also prince could wear pointed shoes 60 cm. embroidered in 8 colours, about 80 iets about the population, the divisions long if he wanted, not to trip over, the yards long. It tells about the Battle of of the land, etc. This very complicated toes were tied to the legs. Rich people Hastings in 1066. It can still be seen work, written in Latin, was called "The wore fine woollen clothes adorned with today in the town of Bayeux in non- Domesday Book" (The Book of jewellery and fur west France Judgement). estate /is'teit - moşie Domesday du:mzdeil - Judecata de Apoi draughty 'draft/ -expus la curent M linen/linan - pânză to trip over- /trip ' evo/a se poticni to embroider im'broide - a broda RADEXICFRATHI , craft kra:ft - meşteşug ENSBOSBOUX tapestry / 'tzepestri / -tapiserio eram CICERS Bayeux / baju stained glass - Vitraliu coat of arms - blazon When glass was very scarce and 5. The first English printer was William lettering leterin/ - litere scrise Windows small, stained glass represented Caxton. His first book was published in goose quillgurs kwill cxceptional feature in adorning 1453. But before that, books were hand- - pana de gasca burches. They served the aim of the written. Many medieval people must illuminator tists to tell stories clearly, without have ignored the text and admired the i'lumneita/ - iluminator (decorator words. In the later years of the Middle design, the lettering, the colouring and de vechi manuscrise) es stained glass became more the pictures. Each book represented common. Towards the end of the Middle hours of patient labour. The scribe Aves, heraldic designs took on a great wrote in ink with a goose quill, and the a portance. Noble fitmilies displayed in ilhminator worked with gold -and- their homes coat of anns in stained glass silver-leaf, as well as paints ndows 37