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A scary trip .
One sunny day , me and my friends decided to go on a trip to the forest .My father was our driwer , and while we weere driving along and singing , suddenly we saw a bear in front of us , chasing a wolf .The stopped in the middle of the rood and started fighting .we were terrified ,let finally ww managed to continue the trip .Ten minutes later , we arrived at the beautiful forest .After we had put up our tents , we lit the big fire and made a barbucue .While we were discussing about the scary encounter .We had on the reoad , we heard a terrifying noise .We saw the huge bear coming touwards us .We put out the fire , left our tents bekind , ran to the car and left .
We decided never to go on a trip to the forest in the future .​

Răspuns :

Răspuns:O excursie infricosatore.

intro zi insorita, eu si prieteni mei am decis sa mergem intro excursie in padure. tatal meu a fost cel care nea dus pana a colo, in timp ce mergeam pe drum si cantam, dintro data am vazut un urs in fata noastra,urmarin un lup. sau oprit in mijlocul drumului si au inceput sa se lupte. eram ingroziti,dar am reusit sa ne continuam excursia. 10 minute mai tarziu, am ajuns la padurea frumoasa. dupa ce neam pus corturile, am aprins un foc mare si am facut un timp ce vorbeam despre intalnirea infricosatoare. am auzit un sunet terifiant. am vazut ursul urias venind spre noi. am stins focul, neam lasat corturile in urma si am fugit la masina si am plecat. neam hotarat sa nu mai mergem niciodata intro excursie in padure.
