Puneti urmatoarele propozitii la past continuous. Alegeti situatia in care se incadreaza din cele enumerate in pdf (sub tabel aveti "use"). 1. Yesterday at 4am I ...... (sleep). 2. The sun ....(shining), so I decided to go out. 3. He .... (cook) while she ....(play) video games. 4. We ....(do) our homework when our grandma called. 5. They ....(practice) their ballet routine as their parents ....(work). 6. This morning at 11am she .....(eat) brunch. 7. It ....(rain), so I stayed home. 8. I ....(clean) my desk, when John came by. 9. Last March ....(visit) Paris. 10. While I .... (write) an email, my cat ...(purr), and my dog ....(bark). ​

Puneti Urmatoarele Propozitii La Past Continuous Alegeti Situatia In Care Se Incadreaza Din Cele Enumerate In Pdf Sub Tabel Aveti Use 1 Yesterday At 4am I Sleep class=

Răspuns :

yesterday at 4am i was sleeping

the sun was shining so i decided to go out

He was cooking while she was playing video games

we were doing our homework when our grandma called

they were practicing their ballet routine as their parents were working

this morning at 11 am she was eating brunch

it was raining...

i was cleaning....

was writing,was purring

was barking