Am nevoie de ajutor va rog mult!!! Trebuie sa fac o scurta poveste in care sa explic de ce o femeie a murit din cauza ca a vorbit prea mult la telefon. Daca nu se poate in engleza va rog macar in romana. Va multumesc mult!!❤​

Răspuns :

Telefoanele dauneaza grav sanatatea.Ele produc radiatii. Daca petrecem prea mult timp pe telefon acesta ne poate afecta sanatatea.

O doamna vorbea prea mult la telefon.Petrecea foarte mult timp pe telefon. Ii placea sa stea pe retelele de socializare si sa vorbeasca mult la telefon.Nu se mai ocupa de familia ei asa ca familia a parasit-o . Nu mai facea nimic altceva de cat sa stea pe telefon si sa vorbeasca cu prietenele ei .

Intr-o buna zi aceasta s-a simtit rau asa ca s-a dus sa isi faca analize. Peste 2 saotamani analizele au iesit ingrozitoare. Din cauza radiatiilor femeia avea o boala.

Boala era prea grava pentru ca a fost descoperita prea tarziu . Nu peste mult timp femeia a decedat .


Phones seriously damage health. They produce radiation. If we spend too much time on the phone it can affect our health. A lady talked too much on the phone. She spent a lot of time on the phone. She liked to sit on social networks and talk a lot on the phone. She no longer took care of her family so the family left her. She did nothing but sit on the phone and talk to her friends. One day she felt bad so she went for tests. In 2 weeks the tests came out awful. Due to the radiation, the woman had an illness. The disease was too serious because it was discovered too late. It wasn't long before the woman died.