Write a letter to your friend telling her/him about your new school, new teachers and new friends. Use between 120-180
words. Write the number of words at the bottom of the page.PLSS RESPECTATI CERINTA AM NEVOIE IMI DA NOTAA :((​

Răspuns :



Hey(3) its(4)me(5) (numele tau),hope(6) your(7) doing(7) fine(8).I(9) wrote(10) this(11) letter(12) because(13) I (14) to(15) tell(16) you(17) how(18)great(19) my(20) new(21) school(22) is(23).

When(24) I(25) arived(26) here(27) everyone(28) was(29) very(30) nice(31).The(32) class(33) president(34) showed(35) me(36) around(37) the(38) school(39) when(40) I(41) arived(42).He(43) first(44) showed(45) me(46) the(47) classrooms(48)!The(49) first(50) day(51) was(52) great(53)!the(54) second(55) day(56) was(57) even(58) better(59)!I(60) made(61) a(62) lot(63) of(64) new(65) friends(66)!The(67) teachers(68) were(69) really(70) nice(71) as(72) well(73) maybe(74) because(75) I'm(76) new(77) but (78) oh(79) well(80)!I(81) talked(82) with(83) the(84) principal(85) and(86) he(87) accepted(88) me(89) in(90) the(91) volleyball(92) team(93)!I(94) am(95) so(96) excited(97)!My(98) friends(99) that(100) I met(101) on(102) my(103) first(104) day(105) are(106) so(107) proud(108) of(109) me(110)!I(111) hope(112) your(113) proud(114) too(115)!I(116) really(117) love(118) it(119) here (120)!

with(121) love(122)

(numele tau)(123)!