Răspuns :
Jina is a commune in Sibiu County, Transylvania, Romania, in the Cindrel Mountains, 40 km west of the county capital Sibiu, in the Mărginimea Sibiului ethnographic area. It is composed of a single village, Jina.It is also the biggest village in Romania.In Jina there is a memorial objective. This is the Monument of the Romanian Heroes from the First World War.It is located in the center of the commune.
Jina is a village from Sibiu. It is the biggest village from Romania, it is bigger than Bucharest! Jina is around 315 kilometers square, and Bucharest is around 228 square kilometers.
Jina have a population of 3.700 people, and the village is almost empty.
People from Jina often work with sheeps and bees.
Here are also a lot of traditions and popular food.
This village is also written in Cultural Patrimony UNESCO
În română:
Jina este un sat din Sibiu. acesta este cel mai mare sat din România, chiar mai mare decât București, masurand undeva la 315 kilometri pătrați, în timp ce Bucureștiul are undeva la 228 kilometri pătrați.
Jina are o populație de 3.700 de oameni, si satul este aproape pustiu.
Oamenii din Jina adesea lucrează cu oile sau cu albinele.
Aici sunt de asemenea multe tradiții și mâncăruri populare.
Acest sat este scris si in Patrimoniul Cultural UNESCO