past action in progress
1. Ea nu statea intinsa in pat pe vremea aceasta ieri.
2. Tatal lor conducea spre serviciu la ora 3
ieri dupa-amiaza.
3. Baietii se uitau la un film de groaza luni de
dimineata la ora 10:30.
4. Vecinii nostri zugraveau dormitorul vineri la pranz.
5. Mama mea vorbea la telefon la ora 10 aseara.
6. La ora 7 azi de dimineata, ea facea micul dejun
pentru familia ei.
7. Ce faceai tu la ora 12:15 marti?
8. Cine pilota avionul ieri la ora 4:45 dupa-amiaza?
9. Ei nu alergau in padure dis-de-dimineata
duminica trecuta.
10. Nu ploua abundent la ora 5 dimineata.

Urgent va rooog!P.S Mulțumesc anticipat..♡
trebuiesc traduse din romana in engleza ​

Răspuns :


good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Vezi imaginea Alinaolaru75

1.She was not lying in bed this time yesterday.

2. Their father was driving to work at 3 o'clock

yesterday afternoon.

3. The boys were watching a horror movie on Monday

in the morning at 10:30.

4. Our neighbors were painting the bedroom on Friday at noon.

5. My mother was on the phone at 10 o'clock last night.

6. At 7 o'clock this morning, she was making breakfast

for her family.

7. What were you doing at 12:15 on Tuesday?

8. Who flew the plane yesterday at 4:45 in the afternoon?

9. They had not been running in the woods since early Sunday morning.

10. It didn't rain heavily at 5 o'clock in the morning.