Underline other examples of the present perfect in the blog on page 35.

Underline Other Examples Of The Present Perfect In The Blog On Page 35 class=

Răspuns :


Subliniezi orice de forma: has/have verb la trecut sau 's, 've verb la trecut...


Nu e foarte clara poza...

Subliniaza verbele la present perfect. O sa-ti dau exemple de present perfect, deoarece nu prea vad textul : I have spoken, I haven't spoke, have I spoken ? sau She has told Nea that she lost the game. She hasn't told Nea that she lost the game. Has she told Nea that she lost the game ?
Exista si exceptii, de exemplu : love-loved (dupa un e la final, adaugi un d), admit-admitted. Chiar daca acestea par sa fie la trecut, depinde in ce context sunt. De ex : She has cooked dinner. sau They have admitted to their mistake.