Cum se scrie in engleza?

-Buna ziua mamă !nu am primit multe teme astazi la scoala .Tema este sa scriu un Rezumat textului citit astazi şi o pagina pe carte.E foarte putin.

-Bine .Acum schimbate sa mananci repede că o a intarzii la serviciu!

Răspuns :

-Hello mother! I did not receive many homework today at school. The homework is to write a summary of the text read today and a page on the book. It is very little.

-Okay. Now changed to eat fast because she's late for work!


good day mom ! i did not recive a lot of homeworck today at school . i have to do just a eassy of a text who we also work at it in the classroom . it's a littel bit of work ,not very much

- okay . naw please change your clouts and eat fast case i am gona be late for my job ( sau daca te refereai ca tu o sa intarzi vine ) case you are gonna be late for school or worck .