The school drama teacher is
looking for actors for the school
performance. Write a presentation
of yourself including your qualities.

Răspuns :

I think I deserve that title because I know how to act, my grandparents and parents noticed this since I was 5 years old and I did some acting classes when I was 9 years old. Every time I imitate a character I get into his skin and feel the emotions he feels. My dream is to become an actor, my parents will be proud of me this way!

Eu cred ca merit acel titlu pentru ca ma pricep la actorie,bunicii si parintii mei au observat asta inca de cand aveam 5 ani si am facut cateva cursuri de actorie cand aveam 9 ani. De fiecare data cand imit un personaj intru in pielea acestuia si simt emotiile pe care el le simte. Visul meu este sa devin actor,parintii mei vor fi mandrii de mine in acest fel!