Va rog sa ma ajutati:(
Citiți textul si alegeți varianta corecta de la exercițiul 2 cele 8 întrebări. Si sublineati in text de unde v-ati dat seama care e răspunsul corect .

DAU 30 DE PUNCTE COROANAVa Rog Sa Ma Ajutati Citiți Textul Si Alegeți Varianta Corecta De La Exercițiul 2 Cele 8 Întrebări Si Sublineati In Text De Unde Vati Da class=

Răspuns :


1. A.

(Each person had to try and get their parcel to someone else in another part of the country)

2. A.

(Since then the idea has taken of)

3. C. and/or D. (but more likely C)

(Although the experiment has never been repeated [...] because you know that you have something in common, you are linked together)

4. A.

(I left that if I could get to him, then I could get to anyone.)

5. D.

(I could only contact someone who I already knew on a first-name basis)

6. D.

(But language difficulties got in the way, and I began I wasn't going to achieve my goal in six steps – if at all)

7. A.

(But he wasn't particularly impressed by my arrival [...] he went back to looking after his animals)

8. D.

(make it cu sensul de a reuși, a succede => to succeed)