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Aceasta vacanta de vara a fost una grozava !Chiar daca a fost putin dificila ,am vazut partea buna . Toti dintre noi am invatat ceva din ceea ce s-a intamplat si anume ca trebuie sa avem grija de sanatatea noastra.
In aceasta vacanta de vara am petrecut mai mult timp cu familia si cu prietenii mei.La inceputul verii am mers la mare .De mica iubesc sa inot .
Am mers si la munte impreuna cu prietenii mei unde am stat trei zile la o cabana .Seara stateam langa foc si faceam bezele .Ne prindea dimineata vorbind si cantand.
Am calatorit impreuna cu familia mea prin Romania vizitand orase cu o poveste foarte fumoasa in spate .Am vizitat orasul Brasov ,castelul Bran.Orasul Brasov este un oras cu nuste peisaje minunate si are multe biserici frumoase de vizitat.Am vizitat si orasul Timisoara care este un oras in care multi turisti vin .M-am plimbat pe strazile din timisoara fiind incantata de acest oras cu o istorie foarte frumoasa. Am mai vizitat si orasele :Sibiu,Alba -Iulia ,Hunedoara si Arad.
Aceasta vacanta a fost una foarte frumoasa si memorabila.

Răspuns :


This summer vacation was great! Even though it was a little difficult, I saw the good side. All of us have learned something from what happened, namely that we need to take care of our health. During this summer vacation I spent more time with my family and friends. At the beginning of summer I went to the sea. Since I was little I love to swim. We also went to the mountains with my friends where we stayed for three days at a cottage. In the evening we stayed by the fire and needed it. It caught us in the morning talking and singing. I traveled with my family through Romania visiting cities with a very smoky story behind them. I visited the city of Brasov, Bran Castle. The city of Brasov is a city with beautiful landscapes and has many beautiful churches to visit. I also visited the city of Timisoara which is a city where many tourists come. I walked the streets of Timisoara being delighted by these cities with a very beautiful history. I also visited the cities: Sibiu, Alba-Iulia, Hunedoara and Arad. This holiday was a very beautiful and memorable one.