Hello! Am scris un review la o carte, insa nu sunt sigura daca e scris corect. Ati putea controla asta, va rog? Mi-as dori un feedback. Puteti adauga si voi ceva daca doriti. Multumesc frumos!

One of my favourite book is „Fahrenheit 451”. The story takes place in America. It is a dystopian novel, a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature, which leads to a perception of knowledge. The story itself follows the transition of Guy Montag into a man who is on the run for not only possessing books, but killing a fellow fireman to protect them. There's action. There's intrigue. There's violence. There's character development. There's a story that you can actually follow and stay interested in. And yes, woven seamlessly into the exciting narrative are plenty of ideas to ponder regarding our direction as a society. What I like the most at Montag is that he believes only what he hears.

Răspuns :


mie mi se pare foarte drăguță prezentarea ta, dar cred că ai putea sa tai ,,There's intriugue,, ,deoarece e logic că fiecare carte are un moment de intriga ( mai este numită și motorul acțiunii). Acea intrigă pornește toată acțiunea,deci se află in fiecare carte.

sper că nu te superi că ți-am zis,vreau doar sa te ajut să-ți faci Reviw-ul mai bun :)