ajutați mă varog urget
vaș ruga lîngă propoziției care le-ați schimbat sa scrieți Nr ei.
1 mă voi abona
2 voi da corona
ce trebue de făcut

Ajutați Mă Varog Urget Vaș Ruga Lîngă Propoziției Care Leați Schimbat Sa Scrieți Nr Ei1 Mă Voi Abona 2 Voi Da Corona Ce Trebue De Făcut REWRITE THESE SENTENCE I class=

Răspuns :

33. Joanna cannot be found.

34. The room should be decorated with flowers.

35. An ancient temple has been discovered (by the archaeologists). -> E opțional să scrii și „by the archaeologists” deoarece diateza pasivă (passive voice) se folosește când agentul (cel care a făcut acțiunea, nu neapărat subiectul) este necunoscut, evident sau irelevant. În cazul ăsta, arheologii sunt printre singurele persoane care găsesc temple, deci se înțelege de la sine că e vorba despre ei.

36. All these things will be put into boxes.

37. The teenagers were rescued (by the firefighters) from the burning building.

38. The best composition has been written by the youngest student in the class. -> Aici avem un agent specific, deci este obligatoriu să fie inclus. Accentul cade pe cel care a făcut acțiunea.

39. Messages from the children are sent to me everyday. / Messages are sent to me by the children everyday. -> Ambele sunt corecte din punct de vedere gramatical, dar cred că a doua este de preferat aici.

40. The travellers have been given food and water (by the villagers).

41. The story was witten by a very talented young girl.

42. The new road is going to be finised in a few days.

43. The match was cancelled because of the rain.

44. This line must not be crossed.

45. The oranges have been picked before the storm.

46. The book should be written by Professor Smith.

47. The workers will be paid by Mr. Elliot.

48. Tom was being followed by two men.

49. The Internet is used by millions of people everyday.

50. Bob was given a CD player for his birthday.

51. The winner will be given a medal by the prime minister.

52. The children are being told a story.

53. Sally has been offered a job.

54. The river has been polluted by poisonous chemicals.

55. She is being examined by Doctor Simms.

56. He must be stopped now.

57. They were given free tickets for the concert.