which wordsin the dialogue mean the same as:
a. a large estate
b. a stongly fortified place
c. fabric with pictures or designs woven in it
d. surroundings or background
e. to overcome with awe
f. act of attaining to a right.
acesta este textul:
Taurist: What time does it date back to? Guide: In the 9th century this was the site of a manor of the Saxon royal family. Since then it has been a Nor- man stronghold, a royal residence to six of England's medieval Queens, a playground and palace to Henry VIII Guide: Now we have come to the Leeds Castle, one of the most romantic and most ancient castles in the UK. and a private home. Tourist: e castle itself surrounded by a green arc of parkland, thick with trees Oh, it looks great. The setting is breath-taking. The lake, Sy pur are just fascinating. Guide: Yes, kings, queens and seasons may change, but Leeds Castle is nchanting and its English beauty is lasting, whatever the time of the year. Tourist: Shall we go inside? I've heard that it houses a magnificent callection of medieval furnishings, French and English furniture, paint- ings, tapestries and treasures. Guide: You sense it; this is a place where visitors of the present meet with the lives of the past. Even the leaves breathe history here. Tourist: Whom is the castle being administered by now? Guide: Leeds Castle was saved for the nation when Lady Baillie, the last private owner, established the Leeds Castle Foundation on her death in 1974. Tourist: Does it receive any grants or government funding? Guide: Of course not. The income comes from visitors, conferences, national and international meetings that are essential for the continued conservation of this important heritage site for future generations. Tourist: What is the admission fee? Guide: Admission is free.
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