Nedelcudaniela87ask Nedelcudaniela87ask Engleza a fost răspuns Videond i landed in Spainwas a warm, sunnyRAVELBUBLESIt was a Saturday morning in July when Mum, Dad and I landerWe were so excited as we stepped off the plane. It was a warday and we couldn't wait to start our holiday.GrammarWe had rooms at a big hotel - my dad booked them in advancewent straight there to leave our luggage. But when we arrived, themtold us politely that he didn't have any space for us - the hotel wactturned out that the hotel needed a confirmation email to reserve our monMy dad sent one a week before our holiday, but he typed the addressincorrectly and there was no record of our booking! Luckily, the managerkindly helped us to find rooms in another hotel nearby.Adverk• AdjedsudaWe ended up having a great holiday and our new hotel was lovely, but it iustshows how easily emails can go missing. It's important to check what youtype before you press 'send' - I think my dad knows that now!• Adje-Y →hap• Adjeleterri• AdjeАReading0) Listen and read the story. Match the phrases(1-3) to the phrases (a-c) to make correct sentences.Write in your notebook.They went 0 O on Saturday morning.Her father booked a O to Spain.They arrived ©the hotel roomsDecide if the sentences are R (right), W (wrong) orWrite in your notebook.(con1. They often go to Spain on holiday.2. Her dad sent an email a week before their holiday3. The hotel manager was very rude.Answer the questions. Write in your notebook.1. How did they feel when they stepped off the plane2. How was their holiday in the end?Ma poate ajuta cine ca am și textul și exercițiile! Va rog