A lot of people asked me about how i spend my evening out. So heres my answer.
I usually walk my dog at 4 p.m. After i do that i spoil him with sweets and then i help him have a bath.
Then i take my sport outfit on and run to Kfs. Funny, isnt it?
After i order and eat my favourite meal, i run to my favourite shop and buy some juice and popcorn.Then i directly go home to chill and watch netflix.
i know what youre going to tell me now, youll tell me that even i am an active person and a sport lover, i shouldnt spend my evening eating fastfood that is unhealty.
Yes, youre all right, but guys, i felt like writting this email to stop you gossiping about how i spend my evening.
We all spend our time the way we are used to and the way we like.
-Mr Bean.