Infinitive - I want to sleep. (Vreau sa dorm)
Present Simple - I sleep every night. (Dorm in fiecare zi)
Present Continuous - She is sleeping now. (Ea doarme)
Present Perfect Simple - I haven't slept yet. (Nu am dormit inca)
Present Perfect Continuous - He has been sleeping all day. (A dormit toata ziua) - Inca doarme
Past Simple - My cat slept with me yesterday. ( Pisica mea a dormit cu mine ieri)
Past Continuous - She was sleeping when I heard that strange noise. (Ea dormea cand am auzit acel sunet ciudat)
Past Perfect Simple - I had slept till you came here. (Am dormit pana ai ajuns tu aici)
Past Perfect Continuous - I had been sleeping for 10 hours. (Am dormit timp de 10 ore)
Future Simple - I will sleep tomorrow. (Voi dormi maine)
Future Continuous - I will be sleeping 8 hours from now on. (Voi dormi cate 8 ore de acum incolo) - Planuiesc asta
Future Perfect Continuous - I will have been sleeping by 11PM. (Voi (fi) dormi/dormit la 23)