Alcătuiți 10 propoziții cu present perfect​

Răspuns :


1.i. have wiriten an essay this morning. Am scris un eseu in aceasta dimineaţa

2 you have just seen the film

el a llecat la gara de cinci minute

3 the flower has grown up a little since last year .

Floarea acrescut putin de anul trecut

4. he has left to the station for 5minutes

el a plecat la gara de 5 minute

5 the cat just eaten that piece of fresh meat

pisica tocmai a mâncat acea bucata de carne proaspata

6.we have bougt a new TV

noi am cumparat un televizor noi

7 you have taught jill a lesson on life

i-ati dat lui jill o lectie de viata

8 the have tought about their future .

EI s-au gândit la viitorul lor

9 the rains have come back our country .

ploile s-au intors in ţara noastra

10. jane and David have done their homework.

Jane si David şi- au facut tema

sper ca tiam ajutat!

