POFTIM TEXTUL: When Ronald came home he felt that something was wrong with him. He had a terrible headache, a sore throat and he had a bad pain in his legs. He felt so bad that he decided to go to bed without his dinner. His mother understood that Ronald was ill and phoned Doc- tor Green. "Doctor, I think Ronald has fallen ill. Could you come?" Doctor Green visited the Bells the next morning. She was a nice wom- an of about 35. She came into Ronald's room and asked him how he felt. Then she took the boy's pulse, listened to his heart and lungs: "You feel pretty bad, don't you?" she asked. "Terrible," Ronald nodded. He said that sometimes when they had had a test at school he could pretend to be ill, just because he didn't want to go to school. But it was not his "trick" illness this time. The doctor examined the boy's throat and tongue. Ron- ald said that he had stomachache and a pain in the right side.' Doctor Green took the boy's temperature. It was rather high. His throat was red and it was difficult for him to swallow and to breathe. Ronald's mother asked if it was flu or tonsillitis. But Doctor Green told her not to worry. She said it was neither flu nor tonsillitis. It was just a bad cold. "Ronald is running a high temperature. He is sneezing and cough- ing now, but I'm sure, he will be much better in a few days. It is not serious. I am going to prescribe some medicine for his headache and his sore throat. Please, Mrs Bell, go and get the medicine. And you, Ronald, should stay in bed for 3 days at least. Drink warm milk with honey or mineral water. Then you will recover soon. Cheer up! I'll send a specialist to have a look at your right side. Bye!" With these words she left the room. VA ROG MULT DAU COROANA!!!!+MA ABONEZ LA VOI!