plsssss, dau 25 de puncte e de engleza pllssssss ajutorrrrrrrr va roggg, asta o sa am la test

Răspuns: sper ca e bun
If only the neighbour next door would turn the volume down during class.
I regret being rude to my mother.
I wish there were less homeless people.
I wish my friends would stop dropping rubbish on the streets
I wish my parents wouldn’t worry so much about my future
If only I hadn’t agreed to take sam for a walk every day
I wish I could walk safely in all the areas of the city
I wish my English teacher hadn’t asked me to read the whole of jane eyre for next Monday.
regula e asta
1. Wishes about the present
regret despre o situatie curenta:
I wish I was taller (se foloste trecutul simplu)
2. Folosim could cand ne dorim ca o situatie prezenta sa fie diferita
I wish I could use a computer well.
3. Dorinte legate de viitor - se foloseste would
cand am vrea ca cineva sa se comporte differeit in viitor
I wish you would stop talking.
Hi there!
Cerinta: Exprima regretul despre situatiile urmatoare, foloseste I wish, if only sau I regret.
1. I wish my neighbour didn`t play the stereo at top volume.
2. I regret being rude to my mother.
3. I wish people didn`t become homeless every day.
4. I wish my friends didn`t drop rubbish in the street.
5. If only my parents didn`t worry so much about my future.
6. I regret agreeing to take Sam for a walk every day.
7. I wish it weren`t dangerous to walk in some areas of big cities.
8. If only my English teacher hadn`t asked me to read the whole Jane Eyre for the next Monday.
➤ Folosim “wish” si “if only”pentru a vorbi despre dorinte sau regrete din present, trecut sau viitor, situatii pe care le-am dori diferite. “If only” este mai puternic decat “wish”
➤ Atunci cand vorbim despre dorinte din present sau viitor, folosim WISH/IF ONLY + PAST SIMPLE
Ex. I wish I spoke Chinese. As vrea sa vorbesc chineza (dar n-o vorbesc)
If only I knew what to do. Ce bine-ar fi sa stiu ce sa fac. (dar nu stiu)
➤ Atunci cand este vorba despre un regret sau o situatie din trecut care am vrea sa fi fost diferita, folosim WISH/ IF ONLY+PAST PERFECT
EX. I wish I hadn`t failed the exam. As vrea sa nu fi picat examenul (dar l-am picat)
If only I had studied harder when I was in school. Ce bine-ar fi fost daca as fi invatat mai mult cand eram in scoala. (dar n-am facut-o).
➤ "Forget" este urmat de un gerunziu (verb+ -ing) cand ne referim la oa ctiune care a avut loc inaintea verbului principal.
ex. I always forget locking the door.
- de un infinitiv, atunci cand se refera la o actiune care are loc in acelasi timp cu verbul principal sau mai tarziu.
ex. Don`t forget to buy sugar for the cake.