cine imi traduce in romana ?

What Do students ao on school trip!

School trips are an important part of school
life, too. Teachers take their students on day
trips to museums, art galleries and other places
of interest, like Stonehenge or the Roman
baths in Bath. Sometimes they go to theatres
and concerts, too. There are also trips to visit
interesting cities in the UK, like Oxford or
Stratford-upon-Avon. Schools sometimes
organise sports trips, too, like skiing in
France or Italy, and adventure sports
courses, like rock-climbing or kayaking.​

Răspuns :

ce fac elevii intr-o excursie școlară?
excursiile scolare sunt o parte foarte importanta din viata elevilor, de asemenea. Profesorii isi iau elevii intr-o excursie scolara la muzee, galerii de arta si alte locuri interesante, cum ar fi Stonehenge sau Baile romane. Uneori eu se duc si la teatru sau concerte, de asemenea. Acolo sunt multe locuri interesante de vizitat, in orase din Uk, cum ar fi Oxford sau Stratford-upon-Avon. Scolile organizeaza cateodata si excursii sportive, cum ar fii schiatul in Franta sau Iatlia si curse sportive de aventura, de exemplu cataratul pe munti sau kayaking