Răspuns :
Hi there!
Cerinta: Choose the correct tense.
Alege timpul corect.
1 I have been walking in the park all morning.
2 My aunt has visited 20 countries.
3 Michael has just left for London.
4 Jane's in Brazil. She has been going on lots of trips.
5 I have taken lots of photos.
6 My sister has been training for two hours.
Present Perfect Simple (actiuni incepute si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment nu este precizat; actiuni incepute in trecut, care continua in prezent si pot continua si in viitor)
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+have/has+V-ed/forma a III-a
Present Perfect Continuous exprima actiuni care au inceput in trecut si mai dureaza inca. In contrast cu Present Perfect Simple, care accentueaza rezultatul unei actiuni, Present Perfect Continuous accentueaza durata unei actiuni.
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+have/has+been+Verb-ing
ex. I have waited for the bus for two hours. -Am asteptat autobuzul 2 ore.(Asta inseamna ca autobuzul a venit)
I have been waiting for the bus for two hours.- Astept autobuzul de doua ore. ( Sunt in statie si autobuzul inca nu a venit.)