He was just preparing to go back from school when... he realized something was wrong. He had a feeling that...something just isn't right. He was the first to leave the school, leaving his friends behind. He looked back to see if his friends were coming ,but he couldn't see them. He waited a bit longer, but still, nobody showed up. He decided to go back in the school, but when he took a step, it was already mid-night. He thought to himself: "What just happened!?" when suddenly he gets shaked by his friends demading him to say something, they were scared something happened to him, it was all back to normal, or atleast he thought so... When he finally snapped out of what happened to him, he told his friends "Something's not right..." the kids looked at him, thinking he was insane, leaving him to think what just happened...The kid just stood there, it's said he still is waiting for something like that to happen again...