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   Buna ! Pe mine ma cheama Lia , am 12 ani si sunt din Rodna , Bistrita Nasaud .
In prezent practic Taekwondo , dar in trecut am practicat si dansuri. Imi place mult sportul acesta , fiindca simt ca este facut pentru mine . Imi place foarte mult la scoala si imi place si sa invat . Uneori sunt rusinoasa , dar dupa ce ma obisnuiesc cu persoanele necunoscute , sunt putin nebuna si amuzanta cu ele . Imi place atunci cand vad ca fac persoanele de langa mine fericite , iar atunci cand sunt suparati prietenii mei , fac tot posibilul sa ii scot sin starea aceasta 
Aceasta sunt eu .

Răspuns :

 Hi! My name is Lia, I'm 12 years old and I'm from Rodna, Bistrita Nasaud. Right now, I'm studying Taekwondo, but I also used to study dancing. I love this sport a lot, and I feel like it was made for me. I love school and I love studying. Sometimes I'm shy, but after I get to know a person, I can be a little crazy and fun with them. I like to make the people around me happy, and when my friends are sad, I do everything I can do cheer them up.
This is me. (sau : This is who I am)