1.She's going to meet a lot of people tomorow.
2.She's going to help those people to find work.
3.She's going to talk a lot.
4.She's going to laugh a lot, too.
5.He's going to attend jezz concerts.
6.He's going to read music magazines.
7.He's going to listen to the jezz radio station.
8.He's going to give trumpet lessons to young people.
9.He's going to play his trumpet on the Brookly Bridge.
Ex 10.29
1.Uncle Andrew isn't going to come for a visit.
2.The local developers aren't going to build a hospital on Uncle Andrew's land.
3. Uncle Andrew isn't going to buy a piece of land.
4.He isn't going to pay debts with half of the money from the sale.
5.They(Rachel and Stephen) aren't going to refuse the money from the uncle.
6.She isn't going to spent her money.
7.He isn't going to save his money.